Pavel Bushev
E-Mail: p.bushev@[…]
Pavel Bushev obtained a Master’s degree cum laude in quantum radio-physics in Moscow Physical Technical Institute (Moskau, Russische Föderation) in 1997. During his doctoral research in Innsbruck University he worked on experiments with single trapped barium ion and a single photon. Pavel performed first experiments on quantum-limited motion detection and feedback for which he obtained a PhD degree cum laude. After a two-years postdoc in ETH Zürich and 2 years in Ulm, he worked as senior research assistant in Karlsruhe Institute of Technology for 4 years during 2009-2013 on investigations of superconducting qubits and hybrid quantum systems. In 2013 he joined the department of experimental physics in Universität des Saarlandes as assistant professor. The research topic of his group was mainly focused on quantum microwave photonics and metrology.
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